Type | Changes | By |
 | There is no need to create the empty to.properties anymore if all your classes are in some open directory, you just need it in the root of the jars you want
to use the annotations | urubatan |
 | new @Alias annotation that enables the configuration of aliases to beans | urubatan |
 | Support for XML Schema Configuration, now you just need to put the tag
sa:annotation-autoload /
to enable the annotation module | urubatan |
 | Suport for filters in the loading of classes to enable the use in diferent contxts or modules, to enable this just use the tags includePackage or
excludePackage inside the
sa:annotation-autoload /
, both uses regular expressions to filter the package name. | urubatan |
 | The JSF module does not forces the use of the AspectJ loadtimeweaving anymore, working on a way to support both approaches | urubatan |
 | Now the annotation reading module supports the use of any kind of annotation, but there is no documentation of it for now, expect some news for the next
release | urubatan |
 | Added support for some of the JSR 250 annotations, now you can use @PostCreate and @PreDestroy to specify init and destroy methods of your bean, and with
the security module (very early stage) you can use the annotations @DenyAll, @PermitAll and @RolesAllowed to configure the secrity of your project | urubatan |
 | Started the port of some of the new JSF features, like the new Scopes (flash and conversation) to the basic web module | urubatan |
 | now there is no need to add a RequestContextListener to your web.xml it is already included in the dummy.tld inside the web module | urubatan |
 | Some more unit tests written for the framework, there is a lot missing yet. | urubatan |
 | The litle existent documentation is a litle bether, and the JavaDocs are starting to be written | urubatan |
Release 1.0-SNAPSHOT - 2006-10-01
Type | Changes | By |
 | Added 3 blank exemple apps. | urubatan |
 | Reorganized project structure. | urubatan |
 | Created packages for each project module. | urubatan |
 | Created example projects. | urubatan |
 | Started the documentation. | urubatan |